Categoria: Awards

Cambridge Short Film Festival 2024

We won the Best Super Short Film at the Cambridge Film Festival!!

🎬🎉 Amazing news! “Nothing We Say Can Change What We’ve Been Through” won Best Super Short Film at the Cambridge Short Film Festival last Friday! The event was lovely, even though public speaking, hair combing and posing for pictures aren’t my strong suits. Huge thanks to the festival organisers for their impeccable taste in selecting my film. Jokes aside, it was an honour to be screened alongside such incredible short films. Thank you all! 🌈💕✨ 

Video Mapping

Together with Francesca Macciò I spent the whole July in the beautiful Abbaye Royale de Fontevraud to work on a video-mapping animation which will go live during winter time on the main façade of the abbey. I am very honoured by the trust given us and I’m very excited to share the result in the next months! Thanks once again for this opportunity!
Hold on until the 27th of November when there will be the inauguration🎉

Deep Focus Film Festival

I am super happy to announce that Do You Really Wanna Know music video has been selected for the Deep Focus Film Festival in New York!! Woop Woop!!!Check it out!

APD Conference

APD Conference

From today Nothing We Say is going to be on tour pitching at the APD! Wish it good luck!!

Projects 2021

LogoGo Mental! International Short Film Festival

Go Mental! International Short Film Festival

I am incredibly excited to announce that Do You Really Wanna Know music video has been selected for the Go Mental! International Film Festival


Woop Woop!!!


Check it out!

Best Music Video Award

Women’s International Festival

Best Music Video Award

Super happy to share the news that “Do you really wanna now” won the award as best music video at the Women’s International Film Festival! Huuuuuuraaaayyyyy!!!

Here you can see all the finalists:


Freelance Award Nomination 2020

Happy to say that I’ve been nominated for the Best Freelance Award 2020 Covid Edition from YunoJuno.

This year’s award is celebrating the work that people did during the pandemic to help others, which makes me even happier to be in the shortlisted names.

If you want to know more you can check here:

Congratulation to all the people who have been nominated, from the smallest action to the biggest one we need everyone to make a better world <3



Silver Medal

I’m very very happy to say to everyone that our music video “Do You Really Wanna Know” won the Silver Medal at the London X4 Seasonal Festival 2020!

Yuppidoo and congratulation to the whole team!

Thanks thanks thanks!!!

International Residency for Animated Films

I’m incredibly happy to announce that I will be in France in October to attend the International Animation Residency at the Royal Abbey of Fontevraud!

A full funded month in the Loire valley to develop and, hopefully, finish “Nothing we say can change what we’ve been through”.

I’m (slowly) getting there!!!!!

Have a drink on me!